Explore a career as a Youth Justice Security Officer and help run the front of house operations for one of Victoria’s biggest Youth Justice Centres.


Melbourne Youth Justice Centre is a youth corrections facility located in Parkville, Victoria, Australia, and G4S provides front of house security at the facility. The facility is designed to accommodate 15- to 17-year-old males through four units and a separate multi-purpose unit that houses remanded youth who have been sentenced to a Youth Justice Centre Order or remanded in custody. Some youth are slightly older if they were under 18 at the time of their offence. The youth in detention have access to a variety of social, vocational and educational programs.

The primary role of a Youth Justice Security Officer is to ensure the immediate safety and security of the premises and all person(s) on the premises. Their duties include access control, screening, and perimeter security.

Our Security Officers provide customer service to people entering, keep detailed visitor logs, conduct x-ray screening, search people using metal detection equipment, check sally port deliveries to identify prohibited items and persons, escort contractors through secure areas, and perform roving patrols in and around the facility.

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*First Name
*Last Name
*Mobile Number
*Security Licence
  • Security Licence
  • ACT Licence
  • NSW Licence
  • NT Licence
  • NT Licence
  • Qld Licence
  • SA Licence
  • Tas Licence
  • Vic Licence
  • WA Licence
  • Expired
  • No Licence

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G4S operates two distinct operating portfolios, Justice Services and Integrated Security Services.

Our Integrated Security Services support major government, industry and corporate clients. In every contract, we tailor security solutions for individual operating environments to protect critical assets, infrastructure, services and people. These staff work in various settings, from government, education and health, to retail, telecommunications, resources and energy, as Court Security Officers, Concierge/Corporate Security, Maritime Security Officers, Control Room and Speed Camera Operators.

By managing risk, we help governments, business, judiciary and community services operate with peace of mind and efficiency. Clients include State Government Departments, Courts and Tribunals, Youth Justice Centres, Police, and banks and energy companies, in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia.

Our Justice Services support the Australian justice system by helping government and law enforcement agencies to mitigate the impact of crime on resources, infrastructure and the economy. These staff work in correctional facilities, courts, police custody, electronic monitoring, prisoner transport, and offender rehabilitation, as Correctional Officers, Prisoner Transport Officers, Nurses, Clinicians, Support Officers and Custody Officers.

By managing people in prison and delivering safety, security and respect for people in custody, including transporting and escorting offenders, G4S keeps communities safe and reduces re-offending. Clients include State Government Departments for Justice and Community Safety, Corrections, Police, Social Services and Forensic Health, in Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales and Western Australia.

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